
Hope it wakes you uplearning programshare oforiginal intention

Hi, we are Hogan&wavelet, starting on IG in the summer of 2022Share pictures and texts related to program learning, and then co-founded Hogan.B Lab
We are committed to transforming difficult software knowledge and concepts into easy-to-understand illustrations or text
Follow our footsteps and upgrade painlessly on the road of software learning!​

Blog article

Blog Featured Articles

Blogger will mainly share knowledge articles on software technology skills

Whether you're looking for tips on monorepo technology, zustand's state of the art management tips

Still want to enhance the understanding of front-end development

Even interview tips for foreign businessmen, there is a wealth of resources here!

From basic concepts to advanced techniques, there's something here for everyone, whether you're a beginner or an advanced student

For those interested in graphic content, check out our Instagram community!

2023 Yahoo! Software Engineer Software Engineer Interview

Yahoo! Software Engineer interview, favoring front-end software engineers, in addition to front-end development, but also need to touch the back-end development and project management. At that time, when I saw the vacancy information from LinkedIn, I asked my friend to push me, and through my friend, I generally understood that this position is a multinational team, and the daily meetings also need to use English, and there may be time difference.

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[Leetcode] 0020. Valid Parentheses

Given a string containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.

An input string is valid if:

Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.
Every close bracket has a corresponding open bracket of the same type.

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What is Zustand? React Front End State Management

Whether using Redux or Context to handle state management, Zustand is more complicated than Zustand, and for engineers who join the project later, it will take time to understand. The main goal of Zustand is to make front-end state management relatively simple and easy to understand, which makes Zustand the choice of some companies.

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Self-media cooperation

Our main media platform is Instagram

Sharing: Knowledge-based, Life-based

Main sharingCode, Software Teaching, Experience Exchange, Life Trivia, and Couple Talking about Daily Love

The following are examples of past collaborations:

BenQ Branded Smart Hanging Light Hogan Self-Media Collaboration

Branded Smart Hanging Lights

CakeResume Resume Dating Community Promoting Hogan Self-Media Collaboration

Resume Dating Community Promotion

Google Development Student Organization Speech at National Cheng Kung University: What You Need to Know Before Talking about Software Development

Software Knowledge Sharing Workshops

About Us

Hogan.B Lab Team

Hogan and Bobo | Software Engineer's Notebook-Hogan Profile-Hogan.B Lab

Hogan Lin

@hogan.tech Co-founder

Hogan & Bobo | Software Engineer's Notebook-Bobo Profile-Hogan.B Lab

Bobo Lee

@hogan.tech Co-founder


Search Engine Software Engineer
Former Singapore Commercial Software Product Engineer (RD)
B.S., Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Three years of programmatic casework experience

Hogan & Bobo | Software Engineer's Notebook-Bobo Profile-Hogan.B Lab
Hogan and Bobo | Software Engineer's Notebook-Hogan Profile-Hogan.B Lab


Master of Science and Technology Management (MSTM), National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
2 years of experience as an advertising and marketing agency
Former 2B Software Company Public Relations (PR)
2C Software Company Data Analysis Internship

Hogan and Bobo Software Community
Hopefully, this will bring back your desire to learn programming
Hogan and Bobo Software Community at the height of summer 2022
We are committed to taking difficult software knowledge and concepts and making them accessible to the public
Converted into easy-to-understand illustrations or words
That's how Hogan.B Lab was created
Hope it can arouse your original intention of learning programming
Follow us and get a painless upgrade on your way to learning software!