

React Hook useState – React Vernacular Campaign 11

useState is a React hook for adding state to functions. useState allows us to define and manage state data within a function. useState returns an array of two values, including: the current state: when the function is first rendered, its value will be equal to the initial value we passed to useState. The current state: when the component is first rendered, its value will be equal to the initial value we passed to useState.

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Javascript, React Vernacular Campaign, Technical Article,
Javascript Higher Order Function - HigherOrderFunction

JavaScript Higher-Order Function - React Vernacular Campaign 04

This article introduces the very important concept of JavaScript functions - higher-order functions, which are functions that take one or more functions as parameters or return a function as a result. In this article, we will explore in depth what is a higher-order function, the benefits of using higher-order functions and how to use higher-order functions in real-world applications, what is the function orientation? Pure Functions, Higher Order Functions, Correlation.

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Javascript, React Vernacular Campaign, Technical Article,

JavaScript Async & Await - React Vernacular Campaign 03

Welcome to the third installment of the React Vernacular Campaign series, where we're going to dive deeper into asynchronous operations in JavaScript and introduce two important keywords: Async and Await. In this post, we'll demonstrate the concepts of asynchronous operations through real-world examples, as well as how you can use Promise, Fetch, Async, and Await to handle asynchronous code more In this article, we will demonstrate the concept of asynchronous operations and how to use Promise, Fetch, Async, and Await to handle asynchronous code more effectively.

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Javascript, React Vernacular Campaign, Technical Article,
react-vernacular-campaign-02 JavaScript ES6 Object

JavaScript ES6 Object - React Vernacular Campaign 02

In the previous post, we introduced let, const, var difference, template literal, and arrow function. This article will introduce other new syntax of JavaScript ES6, such as: Object Decomposition, Object Syntax Enhancement, Array Decomposition, and Extension Operator. We hope that through the above contents, it can help you learn React front-end framework more easily.

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Javascript, React Vernacular Campaign, Technical Article,
react-vernacular-campaign-01 JavaScript ES6

JavaScript ES6 – React Vernacular Campaign 01

Before we get into the React front-end framework, let's refresh our readers' knowledge about JavaScript. This post focuses on the history of JavaScript, the difference between let & const & var, Template Literals, and Arrow Functions, a very important precursor to JavaScript ES6.

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Javascript, React Vernacular Campaign, Technical Article,